Coffee Cups and Gossip with Janey Degnan

Did you know that our summer casts include understudies for every role, to ensure that the show will go on? MPT newcomer Janey Degnan understudies the role of Shelby in our season opener The Spitfire Grill!

What first brought you to the Madison area?

I'm originally from Michigan, then I attended Lawrence University in Appleton, WI. My first job out of college was at Epic, and though I'm not there anymore I fell in love with Madison and can't imagine leaving now!

What is your favorite moment of the show?

My favorite moment of the show is when we see how Joe's character has changed between the first and second act. 

If you could inherit a small business via mail-in raffle, what kind of business would you want to win?

I'd love to win a little shop, especially a bookstore or yarn store. Bonus if there's a cafe, too. And there must be at least one “store cat.”

What is your go-to order at the grill?

My go-to breakfast grill order is actually eggs over easy, hash browns, and bacon, and I can usually tell which is which. Also, bottomless coffee.

Don’t miss The Spitfire Grill June 16-25! Tickets are on sale now at