Coffee Cups and Gossip with Kate Jajewski

Kate Jajewski joins us for her 18th (!!!) MPT show this summer! She plays meek housewife Shelby in our season opener The Spitfire Grill.

What have you most enjoyed about working on this show?

I most enjoy building relationships on and off stage with folks I've worked with many times before as well as new faces! The smiles and the joy are very real.

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter - which is your favorite season to experience in Wisconsin and why?

Fall! The colors of paradise come! I love to go to pumpkin patches in the fall for apple cider donuts and fall colors.

If you could inherit a small business via mail-in raffle, what kind of business would you want to win?

It would actually be a diner! It's a dream of mine to open one someday.

What is your go-to order at the grill?

Eggs over easy, hashbrowns, and bacon ;) 

Don’t miss Kate in The Spitfire Grill June 16-25! Tickets are on sale now at