Support Middleton Players Theatre

MPT is committed to excellence in theater. Unfortunately, ticket sales alone only cover a fraction of our costs. We depend on support from patrons like you to secure production rights, pay venue rental fees, purchase building supplies, rent costumes and props, and so much more. With your generous support, we can continue to enlighten, enrich, and entertain the Middleton community for years to come!

Please click the link below to make a secure, online donation. Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check to:

Middleton Players Theatre
PO Box 620803
Middleton, WI 53562

*Receive two complimentary tickets when you donate $500 or more. Receive four complimentary tickets when you donate $1000 or more!

Donate Now!

Corporate Sponsorships

We are currently seeking corporate sponsorships of up to $5,000 to help us produce our 2024 Season! Your tax-deductible contribution to MPT will allow you to…

  • Connect your business with our 4000+ enthusiastic & dedicated audience members

  • Benefit from playbill advertising and website & social media posts

  • Grow your reputation as a supporter of local arts and artists

  • Treat your employees to complimentary MPT tickets

Please consider making a donation today, or contact us to discuss sponsorship options and benefits. We look forward to working together with you to create an unforgettable summer here in Middleton!

Year after year, MPT has delivered Broadway-sized productions, with large casts, high quality staging and props and innovative music. They deliver a quality product that entertains affordably, fills local restaurants and sends audiences home with smiles.
— Van W. Nutt, Middleton Chamber of Commerce