Health & Safety Protocols
At Middleton Players Theatre, the health and safety of our artists, patrons, staff, and volunteers are our highest priority. We are dedicated to creating a working environment that allows our artists to stay healthy, our productions to go on as scheduled, and our audiences to fully enjoy their MPT experience.
Masks and proof of vaccination are not required to attend an MPT show at this time. However, masks will be available at all performances and are recommended and encouraged for the health and safety of all.
If you feel sick, we kindly ask that you stay home. Please email us to exchange your tickets, request a refund, or donate the value of your tickets.
Middleton Players Theatre continues to monitor local data and take guidance from Public Health Madison & Dane County and the CDC. We reserve the right to update our health and safety protocols at any time should the situation in our community change.
“‘Les Mis’ was as good as any Broadway troupe could have presented! I was swept away to another time and place with the fantastic singing, acting, good directing and staging! I’m looking forward to their next season’s offerings!”