It Sucks to be Patrick Chounet

MPT regular Patrick Chounet is back with us for his 10th show! He plays a Box Puppet and understudies the roles of Trekkie Monster and Brian in this summer’s Avenue Q!

What is your favorite thing to do outside of your apartment?

Go to the theatre! Even when not involved in a show, I try to support as much local theatre as possible!

When was the last time you were on stage? 

I just did The Marriage of Figaro with Madison Opera this past April. And I’m currently working on Opera in the Park coming up on July 22 with Madison Opera.

What should someone who has never seen Avenue Q know about the show? 


What has your experience been working with the puppets? 

It is a lot harder than I expected. Holding your arms out at weird angles with even a light puppet tires out your arm quickly! Also trying to sync up the mouths while saying lines and bringing the puppet to life is definitely a challenge!

Avenue Q takes place in New York City. Have you ever been? 

I've been there a time or two :P My fiance and I try to make it there every year for a Broadway week/weekend. We wander around seeing the sights during the day, and then see every show we possibly can.

Don’t miss Patrick onstage in Avenue Q August 4-13! Tickets are on sale now at
