Can't Help Falling in Love With: Mike Brady

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Middleton Players is excited to welcome Mike Brady, who plays Natalie’s daddy JIm in All Shook Up! With the help of the roustabout, Jim learns to open his heart and find his inner “coolness.” Keep reading to find out more about Mike!

Have you done a show with Middleton Players before?

This is my first show with MPT! I was involved in theater back in high school, and while I’ve performed in other capacities since then (I once delivered a stand-up routine to an audience of 6000!) there was a theater-shaped hole in my heart.

What do you do when not performing? Do you have a day job?

I am originally from the Boston area, though I spent most of my life in North Carolina. I moved to Madison eight years ago when I was recruited by Epic. My day job involves training programming classes to customers from all over the world, which is another great outlet for the performer in me. I am also a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, and an instructor at ATA Madison West.

How are you similar or dissimilar to your character Jim?

I was thrilled to land the role of Jim, because we definitely have some similarities. Like Jim I also have a strong daughter of whom I am very proud. And I also have an inner geek who sometimes gets in the way (although mine involves acting to myself when I think nobody is looking).

Tell us about your pre-show routine.

Some things have definitely changed from my high school theater experience. I have to be much more thoughtful now about what I eat and drink before a show. I can’t eat anything more than a granola bar for a couple hours before a musical; it just sits too heavy in my stomach and makes me feel sluggish. Fluid intake is even more of an art: Too much water and you get that lip- smacking sound that drives some people crazy; too little and your voice won’t be flexible enough!

What have you enjoyed about getting back into theatre?

I love surrounding myself with creative people, so rehearsing for a musical is a special treat. You get to learn each others’ personalities at a very deep level, experience what each of you is bringing to your characters, and figure out how to build off of each other to tell a fun story. Collaborating with the enormously talented cast of this show is a true joy, and I look forward to sharing that experience with our audience!

Come see Mike get down in his blue suede shoes in All Shook Up June 27-30! Tickets are available at
